The financial performance of RPs with care & support activities
A report published in February 2017 by the National Housing Federation and Sitra ‘Strengthening the case for supported housing:
A report published in February 2017 by the National Housing Federation and Sitra ‘Strengthening the case for supported housing:
I4H conducted analysis on average rent and evictions based on the Statistical Data Return for 2016/17. The Statistical Data Return (SDR) is an annual survey completed by all English PRPs
i4H conducted a comprehensive analytics review of data from our Housing Performance Analytics database. The database includes the following data;
A social housing provider’s asset management strategy is fast becoming the most important document written. Our Value for Money (VfM) analytics platform has shown us that 70% to 80% of an organisations total spend will be on repairs.
The Social Housing performance analytics landscape consists of a wide array of capability. With suppliers, HCA, and consultants approaching analytics very differently, gaining a clear perspective on how to deploy a performance analytics-driven capability can be challenging.